Friday, January 21, 2011

Clash Between Angela Chang's Parents & Friends

What a "nice" birthday gift for Angela Chang.

On the day of Angela's 29th birthday, her parents, grandma, and uncle went to visit her younger brother Carson, who is serving at a hospital. They hope to communicate with Angela by her brother. However, the 19 year old didn't really want to meet his family but was suggested by his senior official to solve this family conflict. Carson asked two friends to be with him and met his family outside the hospital.

Shortly after they met up, a fight broke out. Angela's father, who has a history of domestic violence, approached to his son and was about to hit him. Carson's friend Flora, who is also a good friend of Angela, kept him behind her back. Angela's parents were furious that she was stepping into their family business, especially Angela's 51-year-old mom, who told Flora it's none of her business.

The two eventually engaged in a fight that they started pulling each other's hair and yelling at each other. Angela's dad also hit Flora and Angela's 70-year-old grandma even stepped on her hands purposely.

Flora disclosed that the family just want more money from Angela: "Angela said she will buy a house for her parents and give them $120,000NTD for spending. But her dad demands $1Million every month!"

But Angela's uncle denied Flora's accuse, and even suspects it's Angela who leads the whole fight.

"I heard that woman called someone and said on the phone 'Angela, we're done fighting'."

He also prepared a 7-pages article that would "unveil" Angela's lies and will continue to expose secrets, letting her fans know the real 'Angela Chang.'

Angela's manager cannot be reached to comment.

Source: Apple Daily / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

Video of the Fight (foul language were used):


Sigh...what a price to pay for fame. This surely would make a good script for a movie!!

Looking at the man's bald head and fierce look, we already knows who is the culprit.

Some more, it said "Angela's dad also hit Flora and Angela's 70-year-old grandma even stepped on her hands purposely"

A man hitting a woman is WRONG, and a 70 year old woman, no matter how old, inflicting pain on a fallen woman is also wrong.

Asking for money from daughter is again WRONG.

Not only Angela not want to meet her family, her 19 year old brother, Carson too does not want to meet them. This shows the family members are SCUMS.

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