Monday, March 29, 2010

Ah Sa: Eventually It Will Rumor That I Have An Illegitimate Child!

Around 4PM yesterday afternoon, Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) went to a dancing studio with an assistant to prepare for Twins' upcoming concert. Usually happy and talkative, Ah Sa seemed tired and sad the whole time. It's known she couldn't sleep nor eat because of the recent rumors and divorce. She was doomed in the studio and only had some smile when she met Gillian Chung (Ah Gill).

Sa: Charlene Choi   R: Reporter

R: You look very tired, are you stressed?

Sa: (smiles bitterly, nods) Yes. Hope my company would understand and let me rest after our concert. I really couldn't think of anything right now.

R: It's said you met a rich guy from Shanghai, and that's the cause for the divorce?

Sa: We already explained in the press conference that there isn't any 3rd wheel, no rich Shanghainese, no such person exists. Time can prove everything. (frowns, gets emotional) I don't know what say anymore. Ask Ronald if you want any proof. (Eyes get red) Hostile rumors popped out everyday. Sometimes rich man, sometimes third wheel, eventually it will rumor that I have an illegitimate child!

R: Did you call Ronald and talk about it?

Sa: Yes, we contacted each other, called him today and talked about this issue, Ronald said reporters in Beijing asked him about it, too.

R: You guys call each other everyday?

Sa: (nods) Yes

R: Since you guys contact each other that often, any chance of getting back together?

Sa: (lowers her head, silent for a while, shakes her head) Although we split, but we're still good friends, we will worry about each other if anything bad happened. Hope everyone gave us more time.

R: Why decided to get divorce?

Sa: (silent, shakes her head)

R: When you went to the US to get married, was it well-planned?

Sa: (smiled bitterly) No.

R: No wedding ring?

Sa: (looks at her index finger, frowns for a while, shakes her head) No.

R: Married for 4 years, no plan to have a baby?

Sa: No.

R: Is there a song to describe your relationship with Ronald?

Sa: (seems to get mad) I really can't think of anything! No!

R: How are you feeling now?

Sa: (sighs) Still have to work, try to concentrate and finish the concert. I really don't want to think about anything right now. Hope everything pass more quickly.

Source: Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment 


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